Tuesday, March 8, 2011

9/11 Memorial

Please post comments in the "Comment" section for this page. See the 03/15 General Assignment post for directions before you get started. Please remember that you can "call" your teammates if you are confused. :)


  1. A good idea for a Memorial would be to make a slide show of a collage of pictures so people can really see how much 9/11 affected people's lives and the pain they suffered during that time.

  2. Along with a slide show of pictures, families who lost loved one and survivors could be interviewed to provide additional information about the tragic day. Survivors will be able to give a first hand look at the events of 9/11.

  3. The interviews are a great idea; it makes the memorial much more personal. However, it is unfortunate that the names of the victims are covered up by the waterfalls in the structure of the memorial.

  4. I think the interviews are a great idea as well because although 9/11 affected our country as a whole, nobody was as hard hit as those that lost loved ones. I thought it was really cool that a portion of one of the staircases from one of the actual towers has been preserved and is being put in the museum to remind us of those who made it out of the towers.

  5. In addtition to the interviews and staircase,I think they should profile the children of the victims and discuss how 9/11 has affected their lives. This tragedy was not a one day affair. It will have life-long effects for many people who were close to the tragedy.

  6. Discussing how 9/11 has affected the children is a good idea. Often times we only think about the spouses of those who lost loved ones, we don't look deeper into the other relationships.To further this idea, I think that it would be interesting to have children from all over America answer questions specifically about what they were doing on 9/11 and what their reactions were to the situation. Some children were well informed, others were left in the dark. It would be interesting to have a child's perspective on the events that took place on that day.

  7. Profiles of the children is a great idea, a novel was written on that topic (Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close) which may offer further insight on how the children were affected. Another possible MEmorial could be a website where the loved ones of victims could interact, upload pictures, and interface with one another.

  8. The interviews and various perspectives are a great idea, in addition to those, news footage from that day could be shown. There was so much confusion and shock, and showing that aspect could really relay the chaos that was September 11th. Interviews, pictures, news clips all accessible through a website with an interface would all communicate the different views of that day and show the impact it had on all.

  9. I definitely agree that pulling together news clips, interviews, and pictures is a great idea. I believe showing what happened again will touch the hearts of many and illustrate the impact. I also believe that a formal video should be created pulling all of this together to appeal to the pathos and to regenerate respect for what happened that day.

  10. I agree with the formal video idea. It could be front and center and kind of an "intro" to the MEmorial site. I think maybe running through the video could be statistics of how many people died. I also think that maybe a separate section of the MEmorial should be dedicated to the rescue workers (those who died and those who are still alive) who risked everything to save hundreds of people from those buildings.

  11. I agree with the idea of pulling together news clips, interviews, and pictures. I think that the interviews of survivors and family members of the victims would serve as a heartfelt reminder of the events of September 11. You could also do a section of the MEmorial dedicated soley to the victims of the attacks.

  12. I think interviews with surviving victims and family members would be great. I also thought that it might be interesting to see the other side and put an interview with the family of the attackers on the website. It would be controversial but I think it would be fascinating to see how they felt.

  13. The attackers' families would probably take offense to questions coming from Americans. Instead of interviewing them, I would like to interview the citizens who decided to solely take pictures on their cell phones rather than help the people survive. I would like to know what they were thinking and why did they not try to help. Another idea is to have short bio's of the victim on the page so that people could easily relate to those who lost their life in this tragic event.

  14. I think the MEmorial should simply honor those who were affected by the attacks, and not target citizens accused of not helping during the plane crashes. I like the idea of a picture slideshow to remind us of what went on during that day, as well as the aftermath. I also think it would be a great idea for victims families to be able to communicate online, and post personal pages about the love ones they lost. An interview of college-aged students all over the country would be interesting to see what everyone was doing when it happened. I feel that almost every single person of a certain age in the country remembers exactly what they were doing when they heard the news of the attacks.

    -Laura Gulledge

  15. I agree with Cassie, interviews from family members of the attackers would be difficult to attain. I do like the idea of having short bio's of victims. It would make them seem real to us if we match faces and personalities to their names, rather than lump them into a category of "victims". Also a MEmorial of bio's of the rescuers who risked their lives or lost there lives would help us to understand the vast effect of the attacks.

  16. I agree that citizens accused of not helping during the attacks should not be involved. This is a MEmorial remembering the September 11th victims, not a website trying to bash the people who didn't help at the time. I think that there should be a page recognizing all the victims, including a short biography, their photograph, and a short excerpt from a family member. This will remind everyone of the families that lost someone special during this tragic accident.

    Lindsay Hayes

  17. I agree with showing photos and vocal commentary by families of victims. This will add emphasis on the impact it had. In addition to that, I think it would be a great idea to have families blog about their lives now, ten years after the devastating tragedy. Many of us don't realize the impact of such traumatic news and the fact that it can still haunt us later on down the road. Seeing how families have overcome this struggle and become stronger will demonstrate how the US came together to unite and triumph over one of the biggest tragedies in history.

  18. Commentary from the families would be great. Maybe they can do something like the Holocaust museum where you follow a certain person through the beginning, middle, and end of the attack. If the person died than at the end then you can see how their families were affected by this tragedy.

  19. I agree, I think that each family who lost someone in the 9/11 tragedy should be given the opportunity to make the page on this Memorial dedicated to their loved one(s). This would make each page very personalized and give that person the attention they deserved as well as a chance for families to reflect on people they lost in the tragedy.

  20. The Memorial should reach out to the families who lost relatives in 9/11 and compile persona's or bios of victims of this tragedy, both the innocent losses, and the firemen who fought to save them. The attacks of 9/11 can seem almost surreal at times, but personal touch, mentioning how families of lost ones have been affected can be related to by everyone.

  21. I also feel that the interviews would be a great addition to the MEmorial. Not only could they interview those who lost loved ones or survived, but they could also interview bystanders that were at the occurrence and even fireman or policemen who helped to rescue people. This would give it an even more personal feel because mostly everybody could relate to at least one type of interview.

  22. Interviews are an incredible idea. They allow loved ones and friends to come and hear their losses. It also makes it into a living memorial, as it should be. 9/11 memorials need to remember the great americans who died and put their lives in danger for others. It is not meant to remember the terrorist who attempted to threaten the safety of all of our great citizens.

  23. I think interviews would be a great idea. It would bring the memorial to life, and make the readers and viewers connect on a personal level to the people who lost loved ones or who survived the attacks. Also, I think stories of the firefighters and policemen who sacrificed their lives for the people lost in the rumble would be very interesting and add another emotional touch to the memorial.

  24. I think interviews of the firefighters and policemen are an especially good idea. It would make the memorial more personal and meaningful while also serving to honor the people who were true heroes that day. I also think that a memorial should include information and statistics about the work that was done in the World Trade Center and continues to be done in the United States. I think it is crucial for the United States to emphasize that while the buildings may no longer be there, our country's power in world trade continues.

  25. Along with what Mary said, the statistics and information would make the memorial more powerful. By reminding the American public of the power that the World Trade Center held, it makes the memorial not only to the lives lost, but to America and its power. Another addition to the memorial that would make it more personal, would be to compile excerpts from families members of victims of 9/11, as well as, survivors and their stories of the 9/11 attack.

  26. All of these are very good suggestions for the MEmorial. Also, I know a lot of video footage was taken of the 9/11 events by people on the streets so these would be very useful in conveying the emotion of that horrible day. Personally, seeing videos of things make the most impact on me.

  27. I agree that a compilation of excerpts from survivors and family members of victims would create a personal and more insightful view of the events on 9/11. Interviews with policemen and firemen that survived the attacks would also offer incredible eyewitness accounts of what happened that day. I'm sure there were many stories about people being heroes in a time of crisis, and telling these stories helps to memorialize all the victims of the 9/11 attack.

    Hal Crow

  28. Along with what Hayley said, I think video footage could definitely be utilized to make an emotional impact on the public. I know personally, I am a very visual person and seeing the tragedy through the eyes of people who were actually there and witnessed the tragedy leaves me with so much sympathy for all that suffered during this time and the survivors that suffer and suffered from the effects of the 9/11 attacks. On the 9/11 memorial website, I noticed that there was a twitter and facebook link. I think this could definitely be utilized so much in our age and time since SO many people use social networking sites such as these on a daily basis. Maybe such sites could include this footage and interviews as discussed by others earlier. I think we could definitely use these types of things to memorialize this event even more.

    Morgan Eason

  29. I think that this 911 memorial is designed very well. Between the lists of names around the waterfalls and the information that will be in the museum it sounds like it is going to be very powerful. It is important to create something like this commemorating the attacks on 911 to show unity and growth as a country and honor those who lost their lives due to the cowardice of terrorism.

    Shea Cashen

  30. I agree that the 9/11 memorial is designed very well because it will have such a powerful impact even broken down to all of its finest details. As suggested earlier, a website that would allow victims families to interact could be very healing. Interviews and bios will also add a very personal touch and bring those we lost back to life.

  31. Involvement from the police, firemen, and families of the victims would definitely be appropriate. As previously mentioned, it is important to include everything/ everyone that was involved with the attacks, especially the victims. Another element that would be a good addition, would be to include a video clip on how the American public provided emotional support to the city of New York and to families of the fallen victims after the attack. I remember watching Major League baseball games right after the attacks, where all 30 teams wore N.Y fire department and NY police department caps to honor the fallen city employees.I think that our "supportive" response should be definitely included.

    Will K

  32. I agree that interviews would definitely add a personal touch to the MEmorial. I think that it is important that in the 9/11 MEmorial, the attack on the Pentagon is mentioned somewhere. The attack on the Pentagon was as much of a part of the 9/11 attacks as the attack of the World Trade Centers.

  33. Like in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, VA, a nice memorabilia would be for either a NY fireman, or NYP officer to stand guard at all times during the day.


  34. I think that interviews with families would definitely add a more personal touch to the MEmorial, and it is an important part of understanding the lives of the people involved with the tragedy because it then allows viewers of the interviews to relate and empathize with the victims. I also think that a slideshow of the actual 9/11 event would help get the point across that it was a true devastation to America and the lives of many people involved- directly and indirectly.

  35. I think that a slideshow of the true devastation 9/11 had on America would be a good idea. After those photos, I think photos of the resilience Americans showed in the after math and or the American pride/hope that was displayed should be included, such as the photo of the American flag that was raised among the rubble.

  36. Ibronzi brings a good point by including a slide show of 9-11 events as they unfolded. Recently released aerial photos of devastation would be a great contribution. Also, including inspirational photos and/or videos of the event and relief efforts would provide and amazing contrast to the devastation, providing proof that the American people have and will prevail in the midst of senseless aggression and tragedy.

  37. Raymond poses a good point, a slideshow can be an affective method of showcasing photos from an incident and presenting them in a meaningful way. I would try to obtain personal cases of which families/friends were affected by this tragedy and either make a clip of case. Having a personal spin on such a devastating event can really bring the point home that these types of occurrences can happen to ordinary peopl

  38. I agree with Madi Ralston that Raymond posed a good point. In addition, to having a personal spin on a devastating event such as 9/11 can not only make a point but help get a point across . Making things more personal brings a sensible correspondence between you and the person your speaking to (the reader) .

  39. I also think that the website should include more Bio's because people feel more of a connection with a face instead of a number. Its just a quality that most people have it hits closer to home that way.

  40. I agree with Kyra, adding more bio would help make a stronger connection. I would also add a wall that would allow people to post comments of healing words. It would give people the chance to express their emotions with encouraging words.

  41. I agree that there should be bio's of actual victims, because most people can relate or understand how tragic 9/11 was through people who was effected by it. I agree with Danyell adding a wall of healing words is a great idea. I would also add a collage of the effects of 9/11 and before and after pictures, so that people can see the damages that took place.

  42. I agree that the site is a somewhat contradiction seeing that they called it a "modern monument" but i do love the purpose of the site and im all for it.

  43. I agree that 9/11 was a great tragedy and should be treated as so and you can show this by having the actual names of people on each memorial and it would be a great idea for the healing words
